United Nations Development Assistance Plan | 2016-2021 (UNDAP II)

UNDAP II consists of 23 UN agencies working together to achieve 12 development and humanitarian outcomes that can be categorized into four themes. These four themes acknowledge that Inclusive Growth, requires a Healthy Nation that is Resilient to both man-made and natural shocks within the context of transparent and accountable Governance serving people’s needs. To achieve these 12 outcomes, the UN uses its comparative advantage: promoting policy coherence; leveraging partnerships; fostering learning in development (data generation and utilization); and enabling provision of quality services for the poorest and most vulnerable.
Under the coordination and leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator, UN agencies work in close collaboration to enhance the coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of the UN’s impact in Tanzania with an emphasis on leaving no one behind. Furthermore, UNDAP II reflects the UN’s key programming principles which are: a human rights-based approach; gender equality and women’s empowerment; environmental sustainability, culture and development; capacity development; and results-based management.