UN and FURSA Complete Partnership for Global Goals
UN and Fursa reach over 10,000 youth
The latest leg of the United Nation’s awareness-raising campaign on the Global Goals in Tanzania sees the UN and Fursa conclude their partnership which will have reached over 10,000 youth in three regions. The partnership began in Dodoma before moving to Kigoma and now sees Fursa and the UN bring the Global Goals to Dar es Salaam. Having received extensive training from the UN on the Global Goals, Fursa has used their platform to educate youth on the Global Goals by conducting awareness-raising seminars in which over 10,000 youth have participated. The seminars, which are made possible by the European Union, will increase Tanzanian youth’s understanding of the Global Goals and their responsibilities in the implementation of the Global Goals and the opportunities that the Global Goals offer them.
UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez, who himself has reached out to thousands of youth in multiple regions across the country this year, expressed his delight at how successful the partnership has been noting the large impact that Fursa has had in disseminating the Global Goals.
“Youth will be the foundation for any achievement of the Global Goals by 2030. That’s why this partnership with Fursa has been so important – because it’s crucial that we reach youth all across Tanzania and let them know that these are the goals we are working towards in Tanzania and all over the world. Partnering with Fursa has been so successful because we’ve managed to reach over 10,000 youth and let them know that taking part in the pursuit of the Global Goals is an opportunity for them to better their own lives,” he said.
Also speaking at the event, FURSA founder, Mr. Ruge Mutahaba said the partnership with the UN has seen youth in Dodoma, Kigoma and Dar es Salaam trained on the Global Goals and on ways to add value in their businesses which relate to goals such as Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
The UN’s awareness-raising campaign has seen a very diverse range of people receiving Global Goals training including Members of Parliament, university students, primary and secondary school students and the media. Among those who have been trained so far is popular Bongo music artist Niki wa Pili, who recently became a certified Global Goals Youth Champion and both helped to train champions and also was one of the speakers at the main event on the first day of FURSA Dar es Salaam.