UN Resident Coordinator's Remarks at FlipFloppi Expedition Event
Marine litter and plastic pollution, in particular, are recognized global challenges whose impact is felt locally, across various populations and ecosystems.
Hon. Mohamed A. Mohamed, Minister of Environment, Second Vice President’s Office, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.
Hon. Ayoub M. Mahmoud, Regional Commissioner, Urban West.
Hon. SiimValmar Kiisler, The President of UNEA and Minister of Environment, Republic of Estonia
Colleagues from the UN system,
Development partners,
Members of the press,
Invited guests,
ladies and gentlemen,
Asalam Aleikhum and Habari za Asubuhi!
Ningependa kuanza kwa kuishukuru Serikali ya mapinduzi Zanzibar kwa jitihada zake katika kupambana na taka za plastiki.
Hii inaonyesha dhamira ya dhati ya serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar katika kutekeleza mkakati wa kupunguza umaskini na kukuza uchumi wa taifa pamoja na kufikia malengo ya maendeleo endelevu, hasa
- lengo namba kumi na nne la kulinda uhai chini ya maji na
- Lengo namba kumi na tano la kulinda uhai juu ya ardhi
Malengo haya yanahusiana sana na tukio hili. Ningependa kuwapongeza sana kwa jitihada zenu, ninasema hongereni sana!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Tanzania pledged her commitment to globally collaborate and put efforts on addressing the threat of the survival of forest and wildlife resources. It has done this by ratifying and implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, as well as the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Marine litter and plastic pollution in particular are recognized global challenges whose impact is felt locally, across various populations and ecosystems. Several measures need to be taken to address this problem.
The measures range from reducing and/or banning single-use of plastic such as straws and plastic bottles, to raising awareness; And by addressing pollution caused by the shipping industry and engaging on scientific marine research related to litter, plastics and others.
Mabibi na Mabwana,
Nimearifiwa kwamba Zanzibar ilikuwa moja ya wachache na wa kwanza kabisa Afrika Mashariki katika kudhibiti matumizi ya mifuko ya plastiki mnamo miaka ya elfu mia tisa na tisini. Kwa hilo nasema Hongereni sana!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Plastic Carry Bags Ban Regulation was established to de-congest the islands from the scourge of plastic wastes that had already begun to clog the drainage infrastructure, contaminate grazing land, pollute the coastal and marine environment, and affecting shore birds and marine fauna.
Such efforts, as well as Tanzania’s commitment and active engagement towards the Blue Economy, and Ocean Governance is providing the assurance towards combatting marine litter and plastic pollution. We hope that these efforts are also leading towards firm commitments from the revolutionary government of Zanzibar in other global efforts such as the Clean Seas Campaign.
Kuna haja ya kuongeza jitihada zaidi hasa katika kuelimisha jamii kuchukua jukumu la kutunza mazingira na kupambana na uchafuzi wa plastiki.
The 3 R’s yaani
- Reduce (Kupunguza)
- Reuse (Kutumia tena) and
- Refuse (Kukataa kabisa)
Zifundishwe mashuleni, kwenye shughuli mbalimbali ili kuhamasisha na kuongeza uelewa juu ya athari za plastiki.
A call has been made and is more urgent after the studies through the UN Environment which reflects the threat of losing fish and marine living creatures to plastic in 30 years’ time!
I believe this event is an important step in the efforts to combat plastic pollution. The technology of using the plastic waste to make a flipflopi is an amazing one and I am sure it has created interest to various parties, hence opportunities for more research and learning. It is also bringing a strong message on the three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle!!
We are very happy to have you with us Mr. Siim, understanding your important role as the UN Environment Assembly President. We are following closely the forthcoming UNEA 4 and keen to corporate with the government on the forthcoming agreed resolutions from the assembly.
Mwisho kabisa, nawapongeza sana crews wa Flipfloppi kwa kazi kubwa ya kuelimisha jamii kwa kupitia hii boti, na serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar kwa ushirikiano mkubwa mlioonyesha.
Hongera sana na tuko Pamoja!!
Asanteni Sana na kila la Heri