ILO Hosts Private Sector High Level Meeting On HIV And Wellness Response
10 August 2023
International Labour Organization reiterate its role as a rights-based organization that ensures social justice for all, it is from this important role that the ILO continue to collaborate with the government, workers’ and employers’ organization, UN agencies, development partners and other stakeholders in the support services for prevention, treatment, care and support for HIV and AIDS, with a focus on work places.
With the theme, “AIDS is an Unfinished Business”, the ILO continues to strengthen its support and capacity building implementation and support programmes on the HIV & AIDS, in collaboration with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, its social partners, UN sister agencies (UNAIDS) and development partners in implementation of HIV & AIDS programmes.
Speaking on behalf of the Country Director i.e for Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, Mr. Edmund Moshi, ILO National Programme Coordinator advocates that a forward-looking approach is therefore needed to close the existing gaps, ensure health equity for all. An approach that focuses on ending new HIV cases, ensuring quality of life and well-being of people/workers living with HIV, person-centered and integrated care and an HIV cure. As we focus on finishing the unfinished business, ILO continues to explore on more sustainable funding opportunities to continue our HIV and AIDS support programmes for constituents, other implementing partners and stakeholders. This includes to integrate and mainstream HIV/AIDs in the ILO work such as social protection, international labour standards, domestic and care work, skills development and FPRW.