On October 24th the United Nations and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania commemorated the 74th anniversary of the United Nations reinforcing their partnership and strengthened commitment for the successful implementation of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan II (UNDAP II) and the Second National Five-Year Development Plan as well as the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For the first time, the UN Flag was raised in Nyerere Square, Dodoma Region, in front of Guest of Honour, Hon. Palamagamba Kabudi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation and Mr. Michael Dunford, UN Resident Coordinator a.i. and World Food Programme (WFP) Country Representative, together with Mr. Binilith Mahenge, Dodoma Regional Commissioner, heads and representatives of UN Agencies, government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, UN staff, media and over 250 youth.
This year’s national theme: “Women and Girls at the Forefront of Achieving the Global Goals” highlighted the integral link between women and girl’s empowerment and the realization of both the SDGs and national development priorities.
Minister Kabudi commended the United Nations for their sustained partnership with government and for supporting the implementation of the SDGs – especially SDG 5 Gender Equality – and reaffirmed Tanzania’s unequivocal support to the UN. “Today the global population is over 7 billion and among them 3.7 billion are women and girls. Despite their numbers and their very significant contributions to the development of the planet, they continue to experience difficulties due to historical norms and practices that were not consistent with human rights. This has resulted in women and girls being left behind in various social and economic errands.”
Speaking on behalf of the UN in Tanzania, Ms. Jacqueline Mahon, UNFPA Representative, thanked the government for continuing to work closely with UN agencies in Tanzania to implement the SDGs emphasizing that inequalities between women and men must be addressed so that women and girls have equal opportunities and are empowered to realize their potential.
UN Day commemorations in Zanzibar were led by Ambassador Seif Ali lddi, the Second Vice President of Zanzibar. The commemorations highlighted and reinforced the UN’s support to women seaweed farmers in Zanzibar under the Zanzibar Joint Programme (ZJP).
During the commemorations, the UN representative, in recognition and to support the work of the ‘Umoja Ndio Njia Safi Group’ – a women’s seaweed farmers group located in Bweleo supported by the ZJP – announced the installation of a three phase electricity service line at the women group’s factory. The service line was installed by the government and will make the factory’s connection to the electricity grid more stable which means the group will be able to increase their processing capabilities.
Speaking at the event Ambassador Seif Ali lddi said: “This year’s theme goes hand-in-hand with the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar’s programmes that enhance the rights and welfare of women, young and old, as outlined in our country’s development plans.”