Voices from the Field: KJP Special Edition

Introduction by the UN Resident Coordinator
2018 was a very eventful year for the United Nations in Tanzania as we continued implementation of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan II (UNDAP II) which will run until June 2021. This special edition of Voices From the Field brings you closer to our work in Kigoma and specifically brings out the voices of the host communities we are working with to implement the Global Goals and local development priorities.
The launch of the KJP in September 2017 was a significant milestone for the UN, the government of the United Republic of Tanzania and, most crucially, the communities hosting refugees in Kigoma Region.
The KJP applies a comprehensive approach to address a wide range of issues facing both the refugees and migrants in the region as well as the surrounding host communities. It consists of 16 UN agencies cooperating across 6 themes which are Sustainable Energy and Environment; Youth and Women’s Economic Empowerment; Violence Against Women and Children; Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); and Agriculture with a Focus on Developing Local Markets. Looking back, we have made good progress in implementation during the first year. There are some visible results already.
We have also learned some good lessons which will assist on enhancing implementation for the remaining duration of the programme. I commend all UN agencies involved on this joint programmes as well as Kigoma’s regional and local authorities for their efforts on ensuring that our interventions contribute to the improvement of the lives of the communities in Kigoma.
I would also like to thank the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) who are currently funding the programme. Without their support, we would not be able to support these communities. I also thank the government of the United Republic of Tanzania for their sustained partnership and we remain committed to continue working closely with them and all stakeholders to ensure that no one is left behind as we continue implementation of the Global Goals in Tanzania.
Alvaro Rodriguez
Resident Coordinator of the United
Nations System in Tanzania a.i.