WFP is implementing a 4 year Boresha Lishe nutrition project in rural areas of central Tanzania which aims to improve nutrition for 30,000 women & children.
The Boresha Lishe project works to improve knowledge on nutrition, dietary diversity and water, sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH). In addition, keeping small-scale livestock, planting diverse crops and mobilizing VICOBA are promoted, increasing access to capital as well as nutritious foods.
In collaboration with Japan, WFP is supplying and installing solar power kiosks to 40 village community banking groups (VICOBAs) supported under the Boresha Lishe project. The kiosks contain rechargeable rental devices such as lanterns and are operated as a business, providing income opportunities for the VICOBA and community members.
Hawa, is a member of Pambana Village Community Banking (VICOBA) under WFP’s Boresha Lishe Nutrition Project in Singida.
Caption: Hawa at work. Photo: WFP/Mwanzo Milinga
“I always wanted to go into business selling at the Njia Panda market, but my harvests were never enough to go more than once or twice a year. Sometimes the rain was not enough, and sometimes the harvest was good, but the price was too low to make any profit.
I needed to get out of this cycle of barely getting by, so I joined the VICOBA. After paying my dues, I was able to take out a loan of US$ 40 which allows me to buy vegetables from our community garden and my neighbours and then travel 80 kilometres to Njia Panda once a week and set up shop. I make about US$ 15 on a good day. The extra income helps us at home to provide our nine children with more nutritious food and to buy school supplies.” Hawa said
With the support from the Government of Japan, WFP is improving women and children’s nutrition and the future of these communities. The Boresha Lishe project is co-funded by Japan, the European Union and WFP.