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Japan and WFP partner to fight Malnutrition in Tanzania

19 Mei 2020

  • “With the support from the Government of Japan, WFP is improving women and children’s nutrition and the future of these communities.”

DAR ES SALAAM – The Japanese government has contributed US$1.5 million to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to support the implementation of the four-year Boresha Lishe nutrition project in rural areas of central Tanzania.

Launched in 2017, the Boresha Lishe project aims to improve nutrition for 30,000 women and children through social behaviour change communication, diversification of food production and distribution of specialized nutritious foods in Bahi and Chamwino Districts in Dodoma Region and Ikungi and Singida Rural Districts in Singida Region.

“In Tanzania, Government of Japan has been providing assistance in various sectors,” said GOTO Shinichi, Ambassador of Japan to Tanzania. “This particular contribution is directed toward women and children in rural areas, supporting ‘Leaving no one behind’ of the 2030 agenda based on the important concept of human security. It will improve nutrition and income generation of the vulnerable groups.”

The Boresha Lishe project works to improve knowledge on nutrition, dietary diversity and water, sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH). In addition, keeping small-scale livestock, planting diverse crops and mobilizing VICOBA are promoted, increasing access to capital as well as nutritious foods.

In collaboration with Japan, WFP is supplying and installing solar power kiosks to 40 village community banking groups (VICOBAs) supported under the Boresha Lishe project. The kiosks contain rechargeable rental devices such as lanterns and are operated as a business, providing income opportunities for the VICOBA and community members.

“Through the Boresha Lishe project, WFP is adopting a multi-sectoral approach, combining the provision of specialized nutritious foods, behavioural change communication, while enabling communities to access income generating activities,” said Michael Dunford, WFP Representative in Tanzania. “With the support from the Government of Japan, WFP is improving women and children’s nutrition and the future of these communities.”

For the supply and installation of solar power kiosks, WFP is working with a Japanese private company, leveraging its expertise accumulated through their business operations over the years.

The Boresha Lishe project is co-funded by Japan, the European Union and WFP.

The United Nations World Food Programme - saving lives in emergencies and changing lives for millions through sustainable development. WFP works in more than 80 countries around the world, feeding people caught in conflict and disasters, and laying the foundations for a better future.

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World Food Programme

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